24 december 2016

#444. Julafton…

Dear heavenly Father, because we are here with one another in order to rejoice over the fact that your dear Son for us became a human and our brother, we earnestly beg of you to tell us yourself what a great grace, well-being, and help you have prepared for all of us in him. Open our ears and our understanding, in order that we may grasp that in him there is forgiveness for all of our sins, the seed and strength of a new life, comfort and admonition in life and in death, and hope for the whole world! Create in us the good spirit of freedom humbly and bravely to come to your Son, who comes to us!

Do this today in all of Christendom and in the world, that there may be many who break through all of the vain externalities of these festive days and celebrate the good Christmas with us. Amen.

  • Barth, Karl, 2008: Fifty Prayers. Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press. S 7.

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